“巨人之路”是北爱尔兰最著名的象征,著名播音员Darragh McCullough带领我们在2天之内,领略了北爱尔兰的山水风光、美酒美食,以及北爱热情好客的人民。北爱尔兰动静相宜,既可以感受极限运动,上山下海,也可以宁静从容,漫步于林间湖畔。 如果你只有2天时间,不妨按照片中的路线,体会一下北爱尔兰独具特色的巨人精神。
- The Bushmills Inn, Bushmills
- Sheans Horse Farm
- Broughgammon Farm, Ballycastle
- Causeway Coasteering, Portbradden (at western end of Whitepark Bay)
- The Merchant Hotel, Belfast
- Muddlers Club, Belfast
- Away a Wee Walk, Guided Tour of Cave Hill
- Home Restaurant, Belfast
- Sawers Deli, Belfast
- Hillsborough Castle & Gardens, Hillsborough
- The Parson’s Nose, Hillsborough