2022年,我们与RIBA合作推出了 Open Door 项目,旨在推广和表彰中国大陆和英国的青年建筑师在近现代建筑遗产保护及活化领域的杰出工作。







  1. 14 Jankes Barn, Mount Bures (Essex, UK) by Rachel Elliott / Lynch Architects
  2. Albert Works (Sheffield, UK) by Cartwright Pickard Architects
  3. Alexandra Palace (London, UK) by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
  4. Astley Castle (Warwickshire, UK) by Witherford Watson Mann Architects
  5. Bristol Old Vic (Bristol, UK) by Haworth Tompkins
  6. Coal-Drops Yard (London, UK) by Heatherwick Studio
  7. Coastal House (South Devon, UK) by 6a architects
  8. Complete Internal Re-ordering of St Edmund King and Martyr Church (Southwold, UK) by Pippa Jacob / NJ Architects
  9. Kettles Yard (Cambridge, UK) by Jamie Fobert Architects
  10. Magdalen College Library (Oxford, UK) by Wright & Wright Architects
  11. Malthouse, The King’s School (Canterbury, UK) by Tim Ronalds Architects
  12. Martello Tower Y (Suffolk, UK) by Peircy & Company
  13. Nevill Holt Opera (Leceisterceshire, UK) by Witherford Watson Mann Architects
  14. Outfarm House (Southwest UK) by TYPE Studio
  15. Pele Tower House (Lake District, UK) by Woollacott Gilmartin Architects
  16. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Gallery Westminster Abbey (London, UK) by MUMA
  17. Shaftesbury Theatre (London, UK) by Bennetts Associates
  18. The Castle Club - Luxury Care Home Scheme (London, UK) by Samantha Litherland Darling Associates Architects
  19. Wyndham Cottage (Aldeburgh, UK) by Richard Markland Architects


  1. 鼓浪屿日本领事馆旧址保护修缮工程, 北京国文琰文化遗产保护中心
  2. 七塔禅寺周边两馆三园建设项目设计方案,源工作室(上海源藤建筑设计有限公司)
  3. 黄山拙园,浙江青墨建筑设计有限公司



  1. Canongate Block 2 (Edinburgh, UK) by John Gilbert Architects
  2. Lao Dao Restaurant at 305 Walworth Road (London, UK) by IDK
  3. New Scotland Yard (London, UK) by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
  4. Preston Bus Station Refurbishment (Preston, UK) by John Puttick Associates and Cassidy+Ashton
  5. Southbank Centre (London, UK) by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
  6. Television Centre (London, UK) by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
  7. The David Attenborough Building (Cambridge, UK) by Nicholas Hare Architects
  8. The Standard London (London, UK) by Orms, Shawn Hausman Design, Archer Humphryes Architects


  1. 上海卜内门洋行,华建集团历史建筑保护设计院
  2. 上海杨树浦电厂改造项目,BDP
  3. 上海梅兰坊里弄修缮项目,张磊,高家宁,史阳
  4. 南京大学文怀恩旧居,冷天、赵潇欣、潮书镛、王瑜
  5. 南京颐和路历史文化街区11片区保护与再生设计项目,同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司历史环境再生设计中心
  6. 四川建科院科技楼改造项目,四川省建筑科学研究院有限公司
  7. 广东清远连州摄影博物馆,源计划建筑师事务所
  8. 广州双溪别墅保护修复,邓芳
  9. 广西桂林阿丽拉阳朔糖舍酒店,直向建筑
  10. 成渝金融法院建筑群,重庆市设计院有限公司徐千里工作室
  11. 河南安阳豫北棉纺织厂焕活项目,活络空间设计事务所
  12. 济南在野艺术商店,袈蓝建筑
  13. 福州船长之家,直向建筑