In 2022, Small Things Creative Projects worked with The Baring Foundation to create Treasury of Arts Activities for Older People: 52 accessible and creative activities for everyone working with older people. Focusing upon people working with and supporting older people who would like to develop and grow the creative work that they do, the Treasury will provide readers with an arsenal of tools and inspiration that will enable them to embed the arts and creativity at the beating and bold heart of the crucial work that they do with older people.

All of the activities inside the Treasury have been kindly shared by individuals and organisations with a commitment to working creatively with older people. These 52 activities created specifically with older people in mind – one for every week of the year, have all been tried and tested, and are grouped into seasonal sections that can be followed week by week to take you through a whole year of creativity.

We have translated the Treasury into Chinese to share with Chinese readers. Hope they will provide ideas and inspiration that will enable you to develop your own creative practice and to introduce new and exciting everyday wonders to the older people that you support, have fun together, let a bit of laughter enlivens their soul and genuinely improves their quality of life.