The Climate Connection brings people around the world together to meet the challenges of climate change. Through arts and culture, education and the English language, it is about ideas, innovation and real change.
The Climate Connection
Highlight videos from young artists in China
In partnership with the OK Magazine China, we invited the young artists from China to speak about their support for the Climate Connection.
Creative Commissions: City of London Exhibition
three locations across London will give visitors the chance to explore British Council Creative Commissions. All the exhibitions are free.
Climate change on the agenda for The Prince of Wales’ visit to the British Council’s new headquarters
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales visited the British Council with climate change a significant focus in the lead up to COP26.
The Climate Connection – Podcast Series
The Climate Connection is a ten-part podcast series from the British Council which explores the relationship between the climate crisis and language education.
Art for Change - the next wave: empowering global change
Art can be a powerful tool in changing people's perception.
FameLab Climate Change Communicators
Whether you’re an early career researcher, working on climate change projects - or simply passionate about explaining climate science to new audiences - we would love to hear from you.
The Big Conversation Climate Change report
The British Council has published new research looking at how we can create the conditions for international co-operation on climate change.
Green careers alumni videos
Get inspired by watching documentaries about how ten UK alumni built successful green careers.
The Climate Action: School Video Competition
We’re looking for short films about the great climate change work taking place in your schools and communities.
The Climate Connection – 12 Lesson Plans
This series of twelve lesson plans provides teachers with step-by-step guidance and resources. They are an ideal starting point to help to address issues of sustainability in the classroom.
Young artist Caelan Moriarty speaks about his support for the Climate Connection
Foliage Fridays in Chongqing
Our Chongqing colleagues organised a green challenge called Foliage Fridays to grow plants at their balcony area or room over a 4-week challenge period.
How carbon capture can help tackle climate change
FameLab 2020 global winner Sauradeep Majumdar explains.
How to save the planet: with Dr Jane Goodall DBE, Tara Shine and Anna Kernahan
Watch the conversation about issues facing the planet and what we can do to meet the challenges of climate change.
The Climate Connection – Climate Action in Language Education
Climate Action in Language Education focused on climate action and environmental sustainability in English language teaching and learning.
Researcher Links Climate Challenge grants
Researcher Links Climate Challenge (RLCC) grants are designed to provide financial support to grantees to host virtual research workshops to work on solutions to development challenges.
Sustainable Fashion
The ‘Fashion Open Studio International’ which will showcase six to 10 emerging designers from ODA countries who are exploring and championing sustainable design in their work.
A better world: Creative Commissions for the climate
The British Council is pleased to announce the launch of a series of Creative Commissions exploring climate change through art, science and digital technology.
Future News Worldwide
Established in 2014, Future News Worldwide aims to assist young people to develop a range of journalism skills and establish the UK as a global leader in nurturing young journalists.
Learn English: Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot on the climate crisis
Climate activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot tell us how we should use nature to tackle the climate crisis.