Dr Maureen O'Neill, Senior Lecturer in Illustration at the University of Portsmouth, brings a large collection of artists' books to universities in China to discuss image centred learning and the possibilities for student self-publication.
Dr Maureen O’Neill was trained as a graphic designer with a background in magazine design. Her books have been exhibited and are held in archives in the UK, USA and Australia. She has a strong record of collaborative work through the design and creation of international networks involved in research into image centred learning, and has worked on projects all over the world.
The focus of Dr O’Neill’s Smart Talks was ‘Artists’ Books’; from a book over 40 feet long to a book in a match box, her talk gave students in Changsha, Chengdu and Chongqing a unique opportunity to view and learn about the influence of some of the University of Portsmouth’s collection of two hundred beautiful pieces. As both a collector and producer of these artefacts, Dr O’Neill explained what distinguishes this genre from other art forms and the opportunity it provides for students to self-publish their own artist's books.