We are delighted to announce the ten winners of Climate Action: School Video Competition now!

Today’s teachers are empowering the next generation of climate leaders to change the world. There’s never been a more important time for young people to engage in climate action and we want to help you get their voices heard in classrooms around the globe.

To mark the United Nations climate conference COP26, in September 2021 we asked you and your students to join the global conversation. We called for short video submissions from your school about the great climate change work taking place at schools and communities. This competition is brought to you by the British Council in collaboration with Ready to Run from Digital Learning Associates (DLA) and IATEFL Global Issues special interest group (GISIG)

Selected from more than 200 entries across the world, these ten videos submitted from across the world demonstrated the both the width and depth of the climate issues surrounding schools, and feasible solution for teachers and students to tackle climate change impact.

Congratulations to those teachers and students!

The competition is open to all students, aged 11 – 18, and teachers at schools in every country around the world. All entries were submitted by a teacher at the school. 

Inspire students around the world

With the help of our partners at Digital Learning Associates (DLA), we’ll be turning the best films into Ready to Run English language resources to be watched in classrooms worldwide. Climate Change is a shared challenge that affects us all and we can tackle it together. Your students can inspire more young people through the story of what they and their environment heroes are doing to change the world. 


  • Our School’s Story: Make a 3 to 5-minute film about your school’s climate action project. What are you and your classmates doing school to tackle climate change together for a better planet?
  • Our Climate Hero: Make a 3 to 5-minute film about someone in your community who is making a difference to the planet. What are they are doing to tackle climate change and make a difference to our world?