National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA) in China and British Council are proud to announce a joint conference on language assessment:
The 3rd International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment and the 5th British Council New Directions in English Language Assessment Conference in Shanghai, 2017
The International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment (ICLTA) is an annual academic conference organized by NEEA in China, aiming to provide a platform for Chinese researchers, exams organizations and policy makers in the field of foreign language testing and teaching to exchange ideas and views on foreign language teaching, learning and testing. This year, Shanghai Jiao Tong University will be a supporting partner of this conference.
- British Council
New Directions in English Language Assessment conference is an annual event on the East Asian language assessment calendar, hosted by the British Council. The conference provides insight on trends in English language assessment and is a showcase for innovative approaches and research in the field, locally and internationally. New Directions is intended as space in which regional and international policy makers, educational professionals, academics and teachers and assessment practitioners can interact, exchange information, and keep abreast of the leading developments in the field.
Theme of Joint Conference: Connecting Assessment with Teaching and Learning
this conference focuses on the critical role that language assessment plays in education. We will look at how descriptions of proficiency, teaching ability and teachers’ assessment knowledge inform teaching and assessment.
We will consider how language testing interacts with teaching and learning at the beginning and end of educational cycles and beyond as students are equipped for the working world. As the emphasis on communicative competence in East Asian education systems continues, new technology solutions to large scale testing demands will also be explored. The conference aims to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative approaches and practical solutions, with a focus on real-life case studies and works-in-progress reports.
Location of Conference : Hyatt on the Bund, Shanghai, China, No. 199, Huangpu Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai
Conference Dates:2-3 December 2017
Pre-Conference Workshops : Date and venue to be announced in June 2017
Target Audience
With a focus on language assessment within educational systems in East Asia, the conference seeks to attract education and testing practitioners, policy makers and implementers, and other stakeholders with an interest in the impact of assessment on education. It will also appeal to language testing academics wishing to gain insight into current research in the field as well as new directions in testing in practice in East Asia.
According to The Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, “the State practices the system of national education examinations. The national education examinations are expected to be defined in terms of their types by the education administrative units of the State Council, and to be undertaken by the institutions that have been approved by the State to carry out education examinations.” The Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China prescribes that “the State practices the system of self-taught higher education examinations, and issues corresponding proficiency certificates or other educational certificates to those who have passed the examinations.”
The National Education Examinations Authority of the People’s Republic of China, including the State Office of the Self-taught higher education examinations and the Office of the Self-taught higher education examinations of the Ministry of Education (abbreviated as NEEA in the following), is an institution directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Education (MoE) and appointed by the MoE to exclusively undertake educational examinations and to practice some administrative authority. The State Office of the Self-taught higher education examinations and the Office of the Self-taught higher education examinations of the Ministry of Education were established in 1983; NEEA was founded in 1987. They merged in 1994.