British Council’s Schools Now! is a global conference that fosters educational innovation across British Council Partner Schools. The conference is aimed at educational professionals who wish to learn more about key areas of international education, share their ideas and experiences, and network with like-minded peers. 

Schools Now! 2023 will be a hybrid event, connecting delegates at the conference venue in Dubai on 1 and 2 March 2023 with other delegates from all around the globe via our dynamic conference app.

Conference theme

The theme of this year’s conference will be Transforming Schools: Leadership at all levels. We’ll be exploring the role of effective leadership across school communities through keynote presentations, panel discussions and workshops.


  • Identifying the roles and expectations of leaders in our schools
  • Professional Pathways towards effective leadership at all levels
  • Developing student leaders


Delegates joining the conference virtually will benefit from:

  • Live streams of selected sessions
  • 24 hr access to the conference app throughout Schools Now!
  • Discussion forums and pre-recorded webinars
  • Access to online booths
  • Access to the Schools Now! 2023 poster gallery
  • Real-time updates from the conference floor in Dubai

Conference Registration

The conference on 1-2 March 2023 is open to all British Council Partner Schools leaders and education managers. Your local British Council School Exams representative will contact you for registration. 

We have reserved some seats for schools that are not British Council Partner Schools but are interested in this partnership programme. These schools can email us to apply for entrance to the conference. The selected schools will receive an email or telephone notification from the British Council.

Our email: