The Link group is registered social landlord and social enterprise working to alleviate the problem of affordable housing in Scotland. Set up under a group structure with a range of subsidiary businesses, Link provides housing for rent and for sale and builds new homes. It is more than 50 years old and now delivers a diverse range of services to communities across the country. The group works with around 10,000 people across much of Scotland and employs 400 members of staff. It is a multi-million pound organisation with a strong balance sheet and makes healthy profits. Link delivers a number of innovative projects, including a number of innovative low carbon initiatives. The group also takes social impact measurement very seriously, enthusiastically adopting SROI methodology. The group has evolved many decades, often with the support of government, which can bring risks as well as benefits.
The problem
There is considerable consensus that in the UK, we have a housing crisis. New house building has been at historically low levels. In many areas, there is a significant shortage of affordable homes. Rents or mortgages take up a higher proportion of incomes than ever before. UK housing costs are high in comparison to the rest of Europe and the ratio of house process to earning are significantly above long term trends.
In Scotland, there are over 150,000 people on local authority housing waiting lists. Over 300,000 homes are affected by dampness or condensation and 65,000 homes are officially overcrowded. Prices have risen 75% in ten years and rents have increased by 44% over a similar period. There are 20,000 empty homes across the country.