The British Council launched the RIA and EMaDA Projects in 2021. So far, this award has launched nine research projects, namely the English Materials Development Award (EMaDA) and the Research Innovation Award (RIA), in which high-level academic research institutions from both China and the UK collaborate to create an innovative and open Sino British education partnership based on the professional development needs of domestic teachers. The aim is to provide scientific professional development materials for teachers, to enhance the practice ability of teachers and to assist in the continuous improvement of teaching quality in the public system of basic education.
RIA and EMaDA Projects Introduction

1、 Corpus-assisted curriculum and material development
2、Theoretical and Methodological Support for the Integration of International Understanding in Primary English Teaching – Teacher Guidance
3、Cross-Cultural Teaching Resource Pack for Public School English Teachers in Rural and Disadvantaged Areas
4、Research on rural students thinking skills development within the English Subject in primary and secondary schools in Hubei province
5、Research into Core Curriculum Design of Postgraduate Core Courses for Prospective English Teachers in Border Minority Regions of Southwest China
6、Research on Development of Cross-Regional English Teaching and Research Communities in Bordering Minority Area through Systematic Support for Expert Teacher Workshops
7、Research on the Evolution of Educational Ecology and Construction of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) for English Teachers' Development under the Rural Revitalization Strategy
8、Researching the impact of a CLIL curriculum and accompanying digital Teacher Training course focusing on improving child health and safety
9、Research project on Enhancing pre-service English language teachers' professional knowledge, skills and confidence through peer micro-teaching lesson study (PMLS)
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