The British Council launched the RIA and EMaDA Projects in 2021. So far, this award has launched nine research projects, namely the English Materials Development Award (EMaDA) and the Research Innovation Award (RIA), in which high-level academic research institutions from both China and the UK collaborate to create an innovative and open Sino British education partnership based on the professional development needs of domestic teachers. The aim is to provide scientific professional development materials for teachers, to enhance the practice ability of teachers and to assist in the continuous improvement of teaching quality in the public system of basic education.

1、 Corpus-assisted curriculum and material development

UK partner: TransformELT

China Partner: The Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching Material Research Center (BECTMRC) 

Description: This project aims to identify the most commonly used medium to high frequency, age-appropriate language chunks presented in the updated 2022 New English Curriculum Standards (NECS) (covering Grades 3 to 9) by comparing them with commonly used, age-appropriate lexical chunks used by similarly aged native-speaking children in the UK. Additionally, the project aims to identify prominent gaps in high-frequency language within the NECS that can be supplemented or included in future material revisions. 

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Corpus of Native Youth English


2、Theoretical and Methodological Support for the Integration of International Understanding in Primary English Teaching – Teacher Guidance

UK partner: Staffordshire University 

Primary China Partner: Chengdu Education Center for International Exchanges 

Secondary China Partner: Sichuan Normal University, where lead researcher from CECIE team comes from. 

Description: The project will investigate primary school English teachers’ Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs and understanding of International Understanding (IU) and Global Competencies (GC) in the Chengdu area with insight and outputs having national relevance. Based on results of the needs analysis, the project will develop a theoretical framework and related methodology-based teacher manual that can support teachers’ integration of IU and GC into their own context. 

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Theoretical and Methodological Support for the Integration of International Understanding into Primary English Language Teaching | British Council

3、Cross-Cultural Teaching Resource Pack for Public School English Teachers in Rural and Disadvantaged Areas

UK partner: Nottingham Tent University 

China Partner: Chongqing University 

Description: The project will conduct an analysis of rural junior high school English teachers’ needs on classroom teaching resources that can improve the development of cross-cultural education through English language teaching. Based on identified local needs, with UK expertise input, the project will develop a context-appropriate, culture theme-based digital resource pack for English teachers to use in rural and disadvantaged areas. This is in line with national -level priorities supporting equality and improved quality of education in rural areas through the digital medium. 

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Cross-Cultural Teaching Resource Pack for Public School English Teachers in Rural and Disadvantaged Areas

4、Research on rural students thinking skills development within the English Subject in primary and secondary schools in Hubei province

UK partner: University of Reading/ISLI 

China Partner: Hubei Institute of Education Sciences (HIES) affiliated to Department of Education of Hubei Province 

Description: The aim of this project is to investigate and enhance the ability of English teachers in Hubei province to support the development of thinking skills among primary and junior high school students, aligning with the future expectations outlined in China’s English Curriculum Standards. This presents a unique opportunity to research and influence how teachers can facilitate their students' development and support their lifelong learning capacity. By helping students develop these skills alongside English language teaching, the project aims to make English language learning more relevant and engaging, especially for those in underdeveloped areas, and positively impact their future development. This focus on rural and underdeveloped areas is in line with national priorities that support the ongoing revitalisation of rural areas in China. 

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The Thinking Abilities Framework

5、Research into Core Curriculum Design of Postgraduate Core Courses for Prospective English Teachers in Border Minority Regions of Southwest China

UK partner: Warwick University 

Primary China Partner: Dali University 

Secondary China Partner: Yunnan Department of Education 

Description: The project aims to compare the current postgraduate curricula for English Education in universities located in Southwest China. The purpose of this comparison is to identify the real needs of prospective English teachers and to design and pilot a new core postgraduate module(s) that either supplements or replaces existing core offerings. The primary goal of the project is to ensure that the core postgraduate modules offered to teachers are tailored to meet the identified needs of local English teachers in rural, mountainous areas of Yunnan and neighbouring provinces.

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Core Curriculum Design for Postgraduate Core Courses for Prospective English Teachers in Southwest China | British Council

6、Research on Development of Cross-Regional English Teaching and Research Communities in Bordering Minority Area through Systematic Support for Expert Teacher Workshops

UK partner: Warwick University 

Primary China Partner: Yunnan Normal University 

Secondary China Partner: Yunnan Department of Education 

Description:  The research project will investigate Expert Teacher practices and their skills needs in Yunnan province and identify what is needed to support effective provision and facilitation of online PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) and online workshops to local English teachers in the province. Through this it will provide a fundamental guidance resource that supports future cross-regional PLC events held by Expert Teachers (. E.g., an online reference manual). 

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Developing Cross-regional English Teaching and Research Communities in Border Minority Areas in Yunnan through Support for Expert Teacher Workshops

7、Research on the Evolution of Educational Ecology and Construction of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) for English Teachers' Development under the Rural Revitalization Strategy

UK partner: Warwick University 

Primary China Partner: Yunnan Education Centre for International Exchanges (in partnership with Kunming University of Science of Technology) 

Secondary China Partner (if applicable): Yunnan Department of Education 

Description: Through piloting and research, the project research intends to establish a principled, replicable model for a professional learning community, supported by a higher education institution, that promotes the sustainable development of local English education, focusing specifically on secondary school education (I.e., Middle and High schools). Sustainable practices covered will include both academic theory and practical application. 

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The construction of a professional learning community for English teachers' development under the Rural Revitalisation Strategy

8、Researching the impact of a CLIL curriculum and accompanying digital Teacher Training course focusing on improving child health and safety

UK partner: UCL 

China Partner: The Public Service Bureau of High-Tech Zone of Chongqing Municipality 

Description: This research seeks to develop a structured and principled CLIL program and online teacher training platform to enhance teacher and student awareness of health and safety at primary and junior high school levels. In 2021, the China Ministry of Education (MoE) issued a national guiding policy that mandates the integration of health and safety content into school curriculums and textbook design. As a result, incorporating safety and health topics into English and other subjects is encouraged. This presents a unique opportunity to create a far-reaching and impactful programme for teachers in suburban and rural areas that will garner national attention. 

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A collaboration between UCL and the Public Service Bureau of the High-tech Zone of Chongqing Municipality 

9、Research project on Enhancing pre-service English language teachers' professional knowledge, skills and confidence through peer micro-teaching lesson study (PMLS)

UK partner: University of Leicester 

China Partner: Beijing Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University and Hebei Normal University for Nationalities

Description:  Over a 13-month period, this project aims to provide a comprehensive and reflective approach to pre-service English teacher education. The focus is on exploring the complexity of the language classroom through the lesson study process, in collaboration with peers. This will enable the lesson study team to systematically investigate pedagogy and develop expertise in planning, teaching, and lesson evaluation. The project will contribute to a greater understanding of English teacher pre-service needs and develop resources to support the implementation of micro-teaching lesson study in university-led teacher education modules. The project will leverage EdTech and digital solutions to provide practical resources that focus on the development of Professional Content Knowledge (PCK) in pre-service English language teachers. This will embed sustainable and cost-effective CPD in the form of lesson study and the development of a MOOC, which will be readily accessible to new and practicing teachers. 

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Enhancing pre-service English language teachers' professional knowledge, skills and confidence through peer microteaching lesson study (PMLS)